Sunday, May 27, 2012

Secondary Projects 19.5.12

As my official time of observation comes to a close (June 16), I have been thinking about possible secondary projects.  These would be any projects not directly related to teaching English to the students at CEBG Elifenia Staff in Potrerillos Abajo (my school).
The most obvious (and honestly probably the least interesting to me) is adult English classes.  I really wanted the Padres de Familia (PTA) to organize them and tell me when to show up because that’s what I have heard works best, but somehow my directora was still asking me what time I wanted to have the class at, etc.  We’ll see.  It’ll all work out.  There is definitely an interest and a need, but I don’t know the level of commitment.  It could be that they come for 2-3 weeks, but then get bored.
Another possible project that I am more excited about is computer classes.  I would want to mostly teach about Microsoft Office and typing and maybe a few internet resources.  There is also a need for this because so many of the higher paying jobs require computer literacy.  But again, I have the same question of commitment as I do with the English classes.  We’ll take it one step at a time, I guess.
One project I am already committed to is the Juegos Especiales-the Ministry of Education (MEDUCA) version of Special Olympics.  The official swim coach has no actual competitive swimming experience, so he is going to supervise while I run practice…?  I’m hoping it’s really non-competitive; I have no idea how to write a workout!  Let alone how to communicate it in Spanish to special needs kids.  Wish me luck J  So far no students have turned in the medical exam, so we haven’t started practice.  Hopefully, we’ll get on that soon.  The competition is in September and I have no idea where we’re starting skill-wise.  On that note, I have been working a lot with the special ed. Students-especially 2 deaf 7th graders. It’s tricky because they don’t read, but they’re super quick and fun to work with J
The last project that I’m thinking seriously about is a peer tutoring/mentoring type program.  I have no idea how the details would actually work or if there’s even any interest, but I can see a need and for me it would be a lot of fun.  It would also be a more sustainable program/use of my time if I could make it happen.  Any thoughts about how to go about organizing and starting such a thing would be appreciated.
I think that’s it for secondary project ideas right now.  If anyone has any thoughts or suggestions, they would be welcomed.  After all, I am your tax dollars at work J

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